


Why I’m leaving Venture Capital to join Route
I was 24 years old when I first started writing this post. At that point, to everyone’s surprise (my own, especially), I had been a venture investor for 3 years already — just 5 years after cold emailing my way into my first job in tech.


you meet wonderful people, some of whom will become life-long friends
a flexible schedule where you can optimize your day-to-day behavior around your own priorities
latitude to approach the job in whatever way best suits your skills (some like to read all day and reach out to the companies they like, others like to meet everyone and learn through conversation)
you get to work closely with dozens of fascinating businesses and learn from both their accomplishments and their mistakes
your ability to make an impact (though a diffused one) grows exponentially with the number of companies you work with
you constantly meet incredible, hard-working, driven, and often brilliant people. Sometimes this goes overlooked, but the life of a VC is usually one spent with mostly motivated high-achievers.

まさに人や知識との出会いっていうのはこの仕事の醍醐味であり、良い点だと自分も思う。自分の今の人間関係のほとんどはこの業界の人間になっているし、全員やはりある程度強弱はあるもののパッションをもって仕事に取り組んでいるので、一緒に働いたり仕事をしていて気持ちが良い。もう大きな企業で働いていた時期がだいぶ前になってきてしまい、忘れかけているが後ろ向きな議論が少ないのはありがたい。なぜなら何もないからw もちろん倒産しそうとかそういう話はよくするが、Politics的なものは特にシード期においては少ない。それは働いていて・やっていて気持ちが良いもの




It’s kind of a lonely job — It’s a team sport in the way that golf is a team sport, not in the way that soccer is. Your common goal is shared, but given that goal is ultimately a fiduciary obligation to return capital, it’s not always the most inspiring.


Chasing the deal — While your calendar is your own, you are ultimately a service provider selling the most commoditized service of all: capital. Meaning, you are often ‘chasing a deal’, rushing to close, or operating on a reactive schedule in some way. For some, this is to compensate for the lack of a differentiated product.


It’s a lifestyle, not a job — If you’re doing it right, you sacrifice your time in order to protect the time of potential investments and founders in your portfolio. This means being available at odd hours or just non-stop and can often bleed into personal life, family time, etc. Long gone are the days of the VCs who take off the whole summer, or more likely, those days never existed for emerging managers.


You don’t get to actually build anything — yes, you are building a fund; yes, sometimes you even build some tools for that fund, but it’s not the same when your customers are all tech entrepreneurs who are there to pitch you.


Diluted emotions — this is potentially a good thing, but for me it was bad. The highs are not as high and the lows are not as low. This often felt like coaching a winning term versus scoring the winning goal yourself. The coach is indeed a “part of the team”, but it’s not the same as being on the field. Sometimes it didn’t feel like you deserved to celebrate together. The flipside of this is that because the lows aren’t as low, you are in a position to be a great support partner in times of need while still standing on your own stable ground.


Long feedback loops — I’ve done this for 7 years now and am just starting to have the results that show I’m not half bad at it. It is very hard to set short term OKRs for a job that ultimately can take 6–10 years to prove. I certainly see the irony in leaving just as I’m seeing the positive results of my work.


Lack of diversity — this is a work in progress, but a meaningful chunk of the industry is still white men who went to Stanford or Harvard. I don’t claim to be the exemplar of diverse representation in venture capital, but even I am uncomfortable in many of the rooms I’m in due to the lack of representation that exists.


Groupthink — many investors will tell you that they are independent thinkers, but very few actually are. I am not above this.
Subjectivity — the nuance behind what makes a deal close versus pass can often be based on learned bias or preference one has towards or against an industry. In this case, I am speaking more to bias against industries or markets, because the bias towards or against a certain type of founder is well documented. It always felt unfair to pass on an investment because one partner had a bad experience in the category or historically it hasn’t worked. The reality is venture investment decisions are often riddled with nuance and variables, so while there may not be a solution here, it just always felt like a weakness of the industry.


Saying no — Pass emails and calls are by far the worst part of the job. I’d invest in <1% of the deals I looked at, meaning that 99% of the time I was finding kind, polite, and honest ways to say no. Either you are heartless and pass in heartless ways, or you are empathetic and passionate and you can’t help but to let this part of the job take a toll on you after a while. It can be devastating having to let people down so often.



Start and stay humble — this isn’t about you, it’s about the entrepreneurs you are investing in. Your job is to find people smarter than you, enable them with capital, and then work your hardest to help them (and therefore, you) succeed. Lots of people let ego into this job, so you’ll stand out just by being humble and respectful. The bar is shockingly low. Remember, most of the time, entrepreneurs aren’t there to pitch you, they are there to pitch the checkbook behind you. Get off your high horse, someone probably helped lift you up there in the first place. This job is a privilege, act like it.


Find ways to differentiate yourself — given we are all basically just purveyors of capital, how can you make yours stand out? I thought because I was new, I didn’t have any “value add”. A few years in, I realized that my new-ness was actually an asset, it made me more approachable and relatable to first-time entrepreneurs. It was a bit of a shock the first time an entrepreneur said she wanted me on her cap table just because she trusted me. I felt that it should’ve been so much more formulaic than that, but the reality is, being a trusted thought partner is often the most differentiated value you can provide.


Less is often more — when it comes to deal sourcing and diligence requests, it’s more beneficial to have a few deep and trusted relationships rather than hundreds of shallow ones. It won’t feel this way in the beginning, but it’s true.


Be honest, especially when it’s uncomfortable—Easier said than done, but passing on an investment with a standard excuse (too early, market size, etc.) is an injustice to the entrepreneur. As often as you can, give candid and concise feedback, respectfully. Even if it is something cliche like “we don’t believe this can achieve venture-scale returns”, you can deliver that in an honest, empathetic way. Often times I’d share that one by agreeing that our asset class isn’t perfect, it’s sometimes full of square peg companies trying to fit into round hole investors, so it’s a reluctant truth that I hate to give but unfortunately have to. That honesty was always appreciated. Remember, you are interacting with humans and their livelihood, not just deals on your whiteboard. Oh and, it should go without saying, but don’t ghost.


Be patient, but know if you’re being taken advantage of—this business takes time. You likely won’t have many obvious early wins, so just be cognizant of that. Promotions and results sometimes will take longer than you’d like, but that’s okay as long as you feel that your partnership has your back. Don’t shy away from asking the hard questions like “is this a Partner path position” or “when will I get exposure to carry”, etc. but also don’t expect that it will come just because one of your friends got it. Every firm is different so it’s important to make sure you personal priorities and goals are aligned with the firm’s expectations, otherwise prepare to fight to change them or to leave.

Be patientっていうのは一番VCにとって大事かもしれないと思っているぐらい大事にしている価値観。一方できちんと権利を主張していかないといけないのも確か。
